List Of All Hot Keys For Mac
Press this key To do this Command-Shift-3 Capture the screen to a file Command-Shift-Control-3 Capture the screen to the Clipboard Command-Shift-4 Capture a selection of the screen to a file, or press the spacebar to capture just a window Command-Shift-Control-4 Capture a selection of the screen to the Clipboard, or press the spacebar to capture just a window /suspoiler suspoiler title=”Startup shortcuts” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle” Use these key combinations to change how your pc startup up. Press this key To do this Power button Tap to power on. Once powered on, tap the power button to wake or sleep your Mac. Press this key To do this 8 or numeric keypad 8 Move Up K or numeric keypad 2 Move Down U or numeric keypad 4 Move Left O or numeric keypad 6 Move Right J or numeric keypad 1 Move Diagonally Bottom Left L or numeric keypad 3 Move Diagonally Bottom Right 7 or numeric keypad 7 Move Diagonally Top Left 9 or numeric keypad 9 Move Diagonally Top Right I or numeric keypad 5 Press Mouse Button M or numeric keypad 0 Hold Mouse Button. (period key) Release Hold Mouse Button /suspoiler suspoiler title=”Finder shortcuts” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle” Press this key To do this Command-A Select all files in the frontmost window Command-Option-A Deselect all items Command-C Copy selected files, then use Paste or Move to move the files.
What keyboard shortcuts can I use with AnyList for the Web and AnyList for Mac? The following is a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used with AnyList for the Web and AnyList for Mac. Keyboard shortcuts are also displayed as tooltips in the app when you hover your cursor over a control. Tab Bar Shortcuts Shortcut Description Control-1 Select the Lists tab. Control-2 Select the Recipes tab. Control-3 Select the Meal Plan tab. List Shortcuts Shortcut Description a Activate the Add Item field.
H Show / Hide crossed off items. Alt-f Open the Favorite Items screen. Alt-r Open the Recent Items screen. Alt-l Open the Filter List screen. Down Arrow Select the next list item. Up Arrow Select the previous list item. Shift-Down Arrow Extend selection to the next list item.
Shift-Up Arrow Extend selection to the previous list item. Shift-click Extend selection to the clicked list item.

Command Control-click Add the clicked list item to the selection. Command Control-a Select all list items. Command Control-Down Arrow Select the next list in the current folder. Command Control-Up Arrow Select the previous list in the current folder. Control-/ Show / Hide the Lists pane. List Item Action Shortcuts Shortcuts apply when one or more list items are selected.
List Of All Hot Keys For Mac Pro
Shortcut Description x Cross / Uncross the selected list item(s). E or double click Edit the name & note of the selected list item. C Change category of selected list item(s).
Shift-p Edit price of selected list item. S Assign stores to selected list item(s). P Add photo to selected list item. F Add / Remove selected list item(s) to / from favorite(s). Control-Shift-m Move selected list item(s) to another list.
Control-Shift-c Copy selected list item(s) to another list. Delete Delete selected list item(s).
List Of All Hot Keys For Macro
Command Control-Delete Delete selected list item(s) without confirmation. Add Item Field Shortcuts Shortcuts apply when the Add Item field is active. Shortcut Description return Add the selected autocomplete suggestion.
Command Control-return Bring up the New Item Details screen for the selected autocomplete suggestion. Down Arrow Select the next autocomplete suggestion. Up Arrow Select the previous autocomplete suggestion. Escape Deactivate the Add Item field. New Item Details Shortcuts Shortcuts apply when the New Item Details screen is active. Shortcut Description Command Control-return Dismiss and add the item to the list.
Escape Dismiss and don‘t add the item to the list. Edit Item Name & Note Shortcuts Shortcuts apply when the Edit Item Name & Note screen is active. Shortcut Description Command Control-return Dismiss and save changes to the item name & note. Escape Dismiss and cancel changes to the item name & note.
Recipe Shortcuts Shortcut Description Command Control-Down Arrow Select the next recipe in the current collection. Command Control-Up Arrow Select the previous recipe in the current collection. Control-/ Show / Hide the Recipes pane. Meal Plan Shortcuts Shortcut Description Left Arrow Select one day prior to the selected date. Right Arrow Select one day after the selected date. Up Arrow Select one week prior to the selected date. Down Arrow Select one week after the selected date.
Command Control-Up Arrow Select the first day of the month before the selected date. Command Control-Down Arrow Select the first day of the month after the selected date. T Select today. R Add a recipe to the calendar. N Add a note to the calendar.
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