
Resolve: Microsoft Office For Mac

How to fix Microsoft Office 365 subscription problems Here's what you should do to resolve the issue:. Right-click on the Start button. Select apps and features. Find the application from the list that you had the error in. (If you're using Office 365 the app will be labeled as the package and not the individual app name).

Click modify. Select online repair. Click repair. In some cases, errors can be fixed with the quick repair option, but when a license comes into play you need to go online to ensure everything syncs back up correctly. Office will now download whatever files and data it needs to repair itself. Once the process is complete, fire up the misbehaving application again. You should no longer see an error message stopping you from being productive like a boss!

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Rebuild Outlook Mac 2011 Database to Resolve Problems MS Outlook 2011 is a desktop email client, specially developed for Mac. MS Outlook for Mac creates an OLM file to store user's data locally. A Mac system stores database file of each identity on Microsoft User Data Folder by creating a separate folder for each identity. Each identity can contain emails, tasks, contacts, and calendars etc.

Sometimes MS Outlook fails to load the OLM file because of corruption of the database. If you are facing any of the following problems, your Outlook database might be corrupted or damaged and you need to rebuild Outlook Mac 2011 database to resolve problems. MS Outlook quits unexpectedly and does not respond.

The selected Outlook item doesn't open and some different items opens automatically. River rock casino buffet cost : strip poker for machine. You are unable to find the information added by you on a particular item. MS Outlook shows some blank items like a blank Office reminder may appear. MS Outlook fails to open the added contacts and calendars. When you search something it displays an incorrect result and many more.

Rebuild Outlook Mac 2011 Database: You can rebuild the identity database in Outlook 2011 by following below mentioned steps: Step 1: Force Quit all the Open Applications Click on the Apple icon present on the top left side of your screen and then click on Force Quit. You can also open the Force Quit window by pressing Command key, Option Key and Esc simultaneously. Now, select each application one by one except Finder and click on Force Quit icon. After quitting all the application close the Force Quit Application Window. Note: You cannot Force Quit Finder.

Step 2: Determine the available Hard Disk Space Before performing any database maintenance you should check your hard disk space. Your available hard disk space (excluding the virtual memory) should be three times more than the size of your Outlook identity.

For example if the size of your Outlook identity is 1 GB then you should have 3 GB available hard disk space. Follow below mentioned steps to find the size of your Outlook identity. In Finder, Click on Go and then Click on Home.

Navigate the Documents Folder and then open Microsoft User Data Folder. Open Office 2011 Identities Folder. Click on Get Info on File menu and then click on Get Information.

Now, you can note the size of the Identity. Step3: Create a Backup for current identity. In Finder, Click on Go and then Click on Home.

Click on Documents folder. Open MS User data Folder. Right click on Office 2011 Identities Folder and then click on duplicate. Force Quit all the applications A duplicate copy of your identity will be created. Now you can access this back up by using any. Step 4: Rebuild your Outlook Mac 2011 database. Press the Option key and then Start MS Outlook 2011 or Open the Application Folder and then Microsoft Office 2011 folder.

Now Open the Office folder and double click on Database Utility.app. Microsoft Database Utility Window will appear on your screen. In Database Utility Window, Choose the database you need to maintain and then click on Rebuild.

Rebuilding Main Identify window will appear on your screen showing progress report. Once all the operation will be completed, you will receive a message that your database was rebuilt successfully. Click on Done.

Resolve: Microsoft Office For Mac

Restart MS Outlook and check whether your problem has been resolved or not. If your problem is not resolved, then follow the next step. Step 5: Create a new identity MS Outlook may create different identities, if you used MS Outlook in more than one places like at your Home, at your work, etc. Each identity will store separate set of items like emails, calendar, contacts, etc. When MS Outlook has multiple identities, there are chances that one of those identities got corrupted. In that case, you can create a new identity to resolve the problem.

Microsoft Office For Mac Reviews

Follow below mentioned steps to create a new identity. Force Quit all the applications. Press the Option key and open MS Outlook. Microsoft Database window will appear on your screen.

Click on the + sign to create a new identity and then type the name of new identity. Select the new identity, Click on Setting/Action icon and then click on Set as Default.

Close the Microsoft Database Utility and restart MS Outlook. Now, Check whether your problem has been resolved or not. If the above mentioned steps did not resolve your Rebuild Mac Outlook 2011 database issue, it indicates that MS Outlook database is severely corrupted and cannot rebuild from the manual methods.

Resolve: Microsoft Office For Mac Free

In that case, you can use any third party tool to rebuild the Mac Outlook 2011 database to resolve the problems.