
Ham Radio Contest Software For Mac

N3FJP Software Customer Comments Amateur Contact Log: 'I've been using Amateur Contact Log for the past 6 months and have loved it since the first ten minutes it was installed on my pc. You've done an incredible job here - and it just improves with each update. You exemplify what I enjoy and respect most about the majority of amateur radio operators I interact with, whether in person, online, or on the air. Your willingness to tinker and experiment, always looking for improvements, is matched only by your tireless willingness to further the hobby and others enjoyment of it.

(Let's face it folks - Scott and Kimberly can't be getting rich from all the time and concern they lavish on ACL and associated applications - though they SHOULD be!) I think you've crossed the line from labor of love to CULT. I know I'm proselytizing and spreading the word every chance I get. Please keep up the great work, and know you are appreciated!' Kip - N6NVP 'I just wanted to drop you a line to say how happy I am with your AC Log. I’ve been an avid computer hobbyist for longer than I care to remember, and I have rarely run into such a clean, well-written piece of software.

The installation and registration were straightforward, and the program performs flawlessly without hogging system resources or creating memory leaks. Moreover, it does exactly what it was designed for very well, does it quite fast, and without unnecessary bells and whistles. Being a new ham, I really appreciate the clean and easy to understand interface. Also, the conversion and installation of the FCC and RAC databases went perfectly! Thanks much, and I will be recommending your software to my friends.'

Chris - KG4TPQ 'Scott, I have gotta hand it to you. I have been searching for a good logging program.

I came across your Field Day log this year and decided to give AC Log a try. No silly bells and whistles which you really don't need - just all the info in a very intuitive data entry form. AC Log is exactly what I was looking for, so much so that it made me, a loyal Apple Mac user, pick up an old Wintel machine to run the program!'

Rich - KC9BAV 'I've sure enjoyed using your AC Log, Scott. Can't wait for a contest so I can use your contest logs.

Really been having fun with the prefix lookup feature, like what is A3? Well, Tonga, which I worked tonight, or A2, Botswana, which I worked last week, all with my 100w and vertical antenna! Randy - W6SJ 'Yeow! Right-clicking on DX-Spot works GREAT!!

Of course, you have already set up everything so that it is pre-filled in the log.FANTASTIC! You might need to change the name of this software package to, say.

ACC - Amateur Communications Complex or ACHQ - Amateur Communications Headquarters. What an array of features, and they all work great! Congratulations on a great software package! I thought the picture on your website showing a QRP'er using AC Log was also proof that your software package has become a defacto standard among hams.'

Bruce - KC5LZB 'Scott, I ordered your AC Log about 9 months ago. Everytime I use it, I say, 'MAN, this guy made one user-friendly log!'

Particularly when I use the 'calculate' function and use the county pull-down windows. I know getting all that data in there wasn't easy. Thanks for making a great program. AC Log is my ONLY log from now on. None others compare in ease of use and aesthetics, too. You take OM, and hope to catch you on the air one day. Peace and Goodwill.'

Buzz - AC7RG 'You're a life saver! A couple of days ago I spent several hours searching various links trying to find a decent logger. I downloaded a few, but none of them were much good, even the more expensive ones. Most did some jobs very well, but had glaring gaps in their performance.

The documentation for all of them was inadequate. I'm not 'knocking' the amateurs who produced them but saying that though their efforts were a lot better than anything I could produce, they were still way short of how things should be. Getting desperate, I really didn't expect your AC Log to be any better, but I am pleased to report that it exceeds my wildest expectations. It's not just that it works well and is easy to use. Your 'help' file is genuinely helpful; it is written in a manner which shows that you really care about the user and want the product to work well for him/her.

You seem to have the knack of getting inside the mind of the ordinary radio enthusiast and translating his every need simply, concisely and effectively. Thanks a million, Scott!' Frank - GW3CNM 'Scott, I want you to know that I'm extremely pleased with your program.

I have checked on just about every log program out there, and I prefer yours above all. In ease of use, I think it far surpasses all the high priced ones. (I gotta tell you - I think you undercharge for yours.)' Rich - K2RVM 'Your AC Log program is vy good, and I want the password! Tnx for all.' Liviu Cismasu - YO3DLL 'When I started playing with the different features of AC Log and realized how easy it was to use, the term 'very impressive' became an understatement.

I am currently converting data from paper logs and will use AC Log for all logging. Thanks again for your help and support. In today's world, where 'customer service' tends to be secondary, you make it a primary concern. It's nice to know someone still does.' Paul - KC5RFU 10-10 Contest Log: '.Without going on at length, you are not charging nearly enough for your products. I have spent much more for less impressive programs.

Yours is the best. It was the recent QST article on your 10-10 Contest Log that took me to your website.

Although I have never publicly raved about a product, it is my intention to review it on e-ham and QRZ with straight 5's. Keep up the good work.' Scott - KC8MWE ARRL 10 Meter Contest Log: '.thanks for the ARRL 10 Meter Program.

I have been off the air for the last 10 years, have NEVER used any kind of logging software, and had a brand new radio to boot. The odds were stacked against me! I ended the contest with over 1,000 Q's and 750,000 points.overall, I rate this 9.5 out of 10!' Mark - WA0MHJ Club Comments: 'Thank you for your time and effort in developing such wonderful software. The Baltimore Amateur Radio Club and myself wish to register with you for the logging programs.

The club and myself are currently using ALL of your software. As an avid contester for 25 years, I would personally like to thank you for software that is so easy to use. Please keep up the good work. Your software is GREAT for clubs to use.

It is one if not the only software I know of that I do not have to spend hours trying to explain it to people when we are in a contest. A brief minute or two and even the most novice of contesters can be making contacts and logging. Thanks for all of your hard work and your true devotion to Ham Radio.'

Ham Radio Contest Software For Mac 2017

Bill - N3WD 'The Hamfest Certificate arrived (THANK YOU, AGAIN), and I announced it at our club meeting last Wednesday - everyone applauded you! The Portage Amateur Radio Club hamfest is tomorrow (Sunday - July 28th), and we are using your certificate as our 4th prize. It's too good to be just one of the hourly prizes! Thanks - and keep up the good work!'

Tom - KB8UUZ CQ WW DX Contest Log: 'Hoooray.your programs are the best by far, and the code and voice modules put you into a league of your own. I ran the CQ WW Log this weekend and was very pleased with its performance. The GUI is well laid out and gives the info an op needs, no more no less. Looking forward to putting your programs thru the paces.

Having written the CW module for QRPDupe, I know where the gremlins can hide.' Brian - K9WIS ARRL Field Day Log: 'We used the Field Day Network Log on six computers on an 802.11b network - worked flawlessly and even told us with a pop-up when we were talking to YOU! The software was the talk of the event! The map feature impressed the public safety committee that visited the site from our county government. As they watched early in the event, they could see the additional sections being worked.

We techno-nerds really impressed them.again THANKS!' Bob - N2RXK 'The club had a record number of contacts this year - 1710 - blew away the old record by over 320 QSOs.

We ran 3A, using one CW and 2 Phone stations. Your software worked great with the 802.11B network. Even the Tribal Elders loved it, and some of them had never used a computer! They said it was very easy to use and had great features.

Thanks again for a great program. You did good!' Tom Lower - K9GPC 'Our club (WA0DX) had a great field day this year thanks in no small part to your fine Field Day program. We used it on 2 computers and combining the logs was a no brainer, as was generating and uploading the summary and dupe files.

The members who were logging were very complimentary of the user friendly interface. It's a great program and made FD logging and operating very easy this year. This is our first year with it, but not the last. Thanks again for a really useful and useable program!' Terry - WA0ITP 'I just wanted say that our Field Day group loved the FD software. Previously we had been using another software package which no one liked and struggled to use. A bunch of our guys purchased your software and spent the weekend voicing their praise.

Dick - K3IIN 'The Xerox Amateur Radio Club (W2XRX) purchased and used your networking software for Field Day. Everything worked perfectly. The club members raved about how easy it was to use (not so with a previous program) how it prevented mistakes and actually sped up the logging process. It was especially welcomed during the late hour cases of 'Field day dyslexia'.

Visitors were impressed with the map and graphs; the coordinator liked the statistics, and the dupe checking was great. The ability to know what band the other operating stations were on was a great advantage and saved a lot of foot traffic. Many of the club members asked if you wrote other software, and I gave them the pointer to your webpage.

Once again thanks for a job well done, and we look forward to using your program(s) in the future.' Mike - KE2LU 'Field Day was an absolute joy this year because of your software. EVERYONE was highly impressed with its ease of use and ease in merging the different operating positions logs into the master log.

Best purchase I have made in a very long time. THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart, for a GREAT PRODUCT. CW keying was excellent and made operating so much easier.' Stormy - K4NOC 'Our club, the Alford Memorial Radio Club, switched to your Field Day Log this year. As one of the ops that used it, I have to say I LOVED IT! For years we had used another program.

It seemed a bit cumbersome to me, and I never really cared for it that much. I was introduced to your software by a friend who was demonstrating the network advantages. I was hooked, and then I discovered that it would be the logging software of choice for our club.

It installed flawlessly on my old P200 laptop, and it had no problem with my homebrew rig interface for my Yaesu FT-890. I love the AC Log, too!' Kevin - KQ4LE 'Scott, just wanted to say how much our club enjoyed using your Field Day software.

Excellent doesn't cover it! We just finished the event today, and everyone thought you have done a super job with it. I sent this to say thanks for a nice product to the amateur community.

Very well done!' Bob - K5DZE, Advisor/Trustee W5CBC, Central Bible College ARC 'Thanks, Scott, for all of your hard work! I really appreciate all of the software you design.

At home here, I normally use your AC Log and during some contests that my club has participated in, we have tried out some of your other programs. You might be interested to know that this year I stopped by the Field Day on the Microsoft Campus here in Redmond, WA, and every single radio had a laptop by its side running your Field Day Network software! Also, all of the computers were networked wirelessly. It was a cool sight! Anyway, thank you very much for creating software for the ham community!' Ben - NW7DX 'Scott, I was asked by our club to look into finding a computer logging program for our Field Day event this year - something to replace the old, tedious way of doing it all by hand.

Another area club member tipped me off to your website. I downloaded your Field Day Log and did a demo on a laptop at one of our meetings prior to Field Day. Everyone was impressed, liked what they saw and said, 'Let's do it!' We had the most successful event so far, using your program really helped all around.

It made it more fun and enjoyable for all. Our club thanks you for providing us with this program to use.' Jack - K8IUV (Chain-O-Lakes ARC) 'I used your Field Day Log and just wanted to tell you that it was outstanding - very easy and fast to use! The screen was just perfect for my laptop PC, and using it was a pleasure. It made the whole FD experience a better one and was simply a delight.' Bob - K7ZB 'Excellent' - that's the unanimous response of the N3SH/WA3SH crews to the FD Network and stand alone software.

Thanks for making our FD more pleasurable.' Larry - K3VX for Wireless Assn of South Hills 'Scott, I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know that I love the Field Day Log. This has been the easiest Field Day for logging and reporting in my 23 years as an amateur. Easy to use and super easy to report to the League! You can bet as I get into contesting again I will be checking back into your website and purchasing more of your products. Thanks again for you hard work. You have a loyal customer here!'

Tom - KY8I 'My wife and I worked Field Day from home this year using emergency power. We made 1094 contacts, and your logging program worked terrific. Both my wife and I were impressed. Keep up the great work.' Art - K8ET 'I just got back from our Field Day event and wanted to let you know about my experiences with your software. Had everything else today worked as well as your Field Day Network Log, even that 31 Alpha on the East Coast wouldn't have had more contacts to log! This FD was plagued with problems, but one thing we could absolutely count on was your software!

It performed without a glitch, even under circumstances not ideally suited for computers. This is one of the best purchases I've ever made for the hobby!' Mike - N9KZU 'I just wanted you to know what a pleasure it was using your Field Day Log.

The program is very intuitive. I was most impressed by the fact that anyone could sit down at the keyboard and in seconds, not minutes, be very comfortable using the software. Several operators asked me for more info about your logging programs, and I was only too happy to direct them to your website. Your Field Day Log is a WINNER!' Reed - WW3A 'I just wanted to let you know that my club, Sporadic Ham Radio Club, K2FA, used your Field Day Network Log.

It worked flawlessly and installed easily. We even boldly used an XP machine as the server! We ran the contest as class 3D low power - one CW station, one SSB station and one Multi. Our total was around 3000 points. We worked it for 18 of the 24 hours.

We credit a big part of our point increase over last year (1800), to your software.' Pete - KF2U 'I used your Field Day log with my laptop this year. As Field Day was kicking off quite a few of the guys in the group looked at me kind of funny when I told them I was going to be logging on the computer for FD and not keeping a paper log. About an hour later, after they had seen how easy your program was to operate, and how easy it was to pick up dupes, I had to fight to keep my laptop at my station. Thank you very much for the great software, and you will be hearing from some of the guys that I spent the day with!'

Kevin - N2ZPY 'Congratulations on a great program. This is the second year using the Field Network Log, and our club members love it. It is intuitive to use, and the ability to just type the entries (tab optional) is great. One of our members is blind (and a great cw operator BTW), and he was able to log a fair number of contacts by himself due to not needing to tab between exchange elements.

Keep up the good work.' Dave - KV4CN General Software Comments: 'Hey, I just entered my first contest ever - about 8 hours worth - what a blast! Your software makes it a joy. I just typed in the call and the name and state, and I'm done. It took 2 seconds to make both files needed to send off for a score and to import.

I would never have tried a contest without your super programs. I really like all your stuff.

Now if I could only type.' Tom - N6AJR 'Your software is terrific! The main reason I purchased the package was to replace a competitor's product that I had used for Sweepstakes. I was really pleased with your software - much easier to use, smooth operating, status very clear, no stopping to fix glitches, etc. This encouraged me to get on two contests I had never done before (CQWW and ARRL 10 Meter), and I had a ball! Although I am not a 'big gun', I am sure I'll be trying more contests as a result. Thanks, and keep up the good work!'

Kaspar - K1KAV 'You are awesome. Your software is so easy to use, and with these enhancements, this kid is in contest heaven.

I use your software for all the contests you support. The software works! Check my scores in QST and CQ, and I am only a second year contester!' Patrick - KK5VN 'Last year I ran 160M SB in that same ARRL event, using Scott's software on an old Toshiba 150 Mhz Pentium.

Ham Radio Contest Software For Mac

Not only did I win World Wide, but also broke the all time record, by a very healthy margin, for World class on 160M. My radio was an Elecraft K-2, which I built from a kit.

My point is not to brag, but to show that Scott's software is indeed quite capable of handing in a record breaking performance. It's just not only for Newbies at all. If I can do it, so can anyone!' Brian - K7RE IARU HF Contest Log: 'Just finished up using the program for IARU in the CD pack I bought. It further convinces me I made the right choice. No glitches, no extra keystrokes, etc.

Ended contest, punched a few buttons, looked it over, sent via e-mail.done. With the other program I had to figure it all out and then submit. Dan - W4NTI ARRL November Sweepstakes Contest Log: 'Again, outstanding job on the November Sweepstakes Log! I ran it with a rig interface for both computer control and CW keying, and it performed flawlessly!

I love the mods you've made to the program. This was so easy, it shouldn't be legal. I don't remember a contest like the one that ended tonight being less work! The little map you have is great. It showed the XYL, who thinks my contesting habit is a waste of time, all the neat little colorful sections I worked.

'Look, Honey, at all the places I talked to today!' That was a nice feature you didn't have to put in, but you did.

Software should be basic and user friendly. Great job with the ADIF features. It's not even an hour since Sweepstakes ended, and I've transferred the contest log to AC Log, exported the ADIF to LoTW, uploaded it, and already received 7 QSLs on the LoTW site.

Super job and very easy to use. Again, my best to you, and keep up the fantastic work!'

Eric Stover - K0EWS 'I have found a great source for great software at a great price. (How about that.3 greats in one sentence!) I don't make a dime out of this for recommending it to you, so this is purely a 'Seal of Approval'. I used the November Sweepstakes in the CW portion, and it is great! I plan on checking out his other wares, too, and I'm sure I'll be purchasing the software package!' Rob - WJ5K 'Just wanted to let you know that I had a GREAT sweepstakes, and your software worked FLAWLESSLY! I am using a Macintosh iMac SE/DV with Virtual PC (Win98). Your program was just perfect throughout the entire contest.

Thanks again, and I'm sure that I'll be getting more of your software as contests come up. Thanks for all your hard work.' Todd LeMense - KK0DX 'I heard about your software last weekend when one of our club members downloaded and registered the November Sweepstakes software.The biggest complaint I have had with all the logging software is it is complex and difficult to edit on the fly. Generally, I try to learn the logging program the day of the contest which means it needs to be straightforward and simple. Yours on the other hand is perfect. I give it a 10.

The first time I needed to edit an entry. I wondered what would happen if I just double clicked on the entry (using common sense). Scott, you must be full of common sense because I realized that is exactly how you edit the entry. Simple and very fast, much more so than any other logging program I have seen or used. Another great, and very critical feature, is that the log saves to the hard disk with every entry.

Having had linear amplifiers fail in every November Sweepstakes, we know about Murphy's law and equipment failure. We also know what it is like to kill a computer or lose power and realize you have not saved the last hour of entries. Additionally, the incorporation of the tool tips in your program means finding out what a button does is much quicker than looking it up in help; very important in the middle of a contest. Needless to say, after ten minutes, I was hooked. Keep up the good work.'

Brad - AC5YM 'Scott, I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed using your logging software during Sweepstakes. It's the first time I logged with a computer program; in the past I've used a spreadsheet or just pencil and paper. I had a ball! I operated QRP and worked 430 contacts in 78 of 80 sections, for a whopping score of 67,000 points. It was a pleasure to be able to concentrate on the exchange and not on the computer program for copying it down. It's a great program, and I'm really glad I found it.

You might make a diehard rabid contester out of me! I used to be just a casual contester that my wife could live with!' Steve - N8WL 'Scott, I appreciate your kindness and your attitude very much.

I am an old retired programmer so I know how much fun it is, but I also know how much hard work goes into doing it properly - particularly in designing it properly. You are a great programmer and a good business person, and you obviously have the real ham spirit. I will continue to spread the good word about your products and your great supportive attitude. I wish you every success.' Don - N4TN 'I won the Atlantic Division for the low power category in last year's SS. I also made REGIONAL Top Five (I was #4).

Made over 1000 contacts with a clean sweep, and the software performed beautifully and helped me immensely. The QSO rate, stats, color coded section tracking, and the timekeeping functions also kept me on track.

It's flexible, intuitive and fast. It's smart enough to let you jump from field to field without hitting TAB or ENTER. Handled the 100+ per minute runs without bogging me down at all.

I highly recommend it.' Steve - W3SY 'I have used the SS Contest program for the last 3 years. It's very simple and intuitive to use.

Easy to set up and to operate, the steps required for the contest are very few. I don't know how I worked in the SS without it.' Scotty - N7HJ 'Just wanted to let you know how well your software worked in the Sweeps! Oh yeah, and get out the broom.my first clean sweep! Also, the CQ WW DX Networking software you provided us with worked great. We ran three transmitters with three networked computers, and it performed flawlessly!' John - NS2P 'Thanks for your efforts for finally, a line of very user friendly software.

I'm now 60 & been away from hamming for 21 years. Coming back into competitive contesting is a cinch with your software!' Michel - VE2CU 'Scott.

Just thought I'd drop you note. I was the top operator in the Vermont section in the Nov Sweep's last year (2000) for low-power, single-op, multi-band, and I was using your Sweepstakes logging program.

I like your program because it's easy to use and not cluttered with stuff. It has just enough info to keep you abreast of where you are during the contest. Keep up the good work.(you can use my e-mail anywhere you'd like to promote your software).' Steve - W1NEK '.I have used AC Log for quite awhile. I used the Sweepstakes software last year. The SS software saved me many hours of work converting files for submission using conventional spreadsheets.

Unlike other software, your programs have a 'simple elegance' that makes them very attractive. Keep up the good work!' Joe - WA2PJI State QSO Party Contest Log: 'Just came off 2 days of TQP. On our route around Texas, we made a stop at 4 guys sitting on a tri-county line operating 2 rigs. We went up to say hello and noticed both rigs using your TQP software.

I thought that was great. Also, at the after party gathering here in Houston, folks were really touting your software. We used it, and it worked flawlessly. I did virtually all cw and was apprehensive about using F keys but didn't take long to get the hang of it. Thanks for the great software, and I really admire all the hard work you put into supporting your software.

Your software is well liked in Texas!' Danny - N5BE VHF Contest Log: '. I am satisfied with the speed of your response, and that shows me that not only do you back up your product 150%, but that you care about your customer's satisfaction and the hobby of Amateur Radio as a whole. I know I will be a return customer and will highly recommend you to other friends for your programs!

In testing out the VHF Log, giving it a dry run, I found that it is simplistic enough in its operation and functionality to allow one to concentrate more on the contest, but it has lots of bells and whistles, too. Keep up the good work!

After all, I like to think that HAM is an abbreviation for Helping All Mankind. That is what you are doing in your own way with your programs for the hobby.' Seth - N2XDR 'Just finished the Jan. VHF contest.I loved the fact that by 2 minutes after the contest was over, I had my results sent in! It used to take me months to get it done.Thanks for your work. It's guys like you that push the hobby and the art forward.' Ron - K7RJ 'Well, I just opened my mail and found that I won 6 meters, 2 meters and 432 in the 2001 September VHF/UHF contest for Los Angeles, and the wall paper was hand stamped 'division leader'.

I had never seen this before, but it must be a very good thing! I don't think I could have done it without your software. I don't know of any other software you can install an hour into the contest, get it going and win the whole thing. It is very intuitive and easy to be instantly proficient.' Chris - AC6TA Copyright 1997-2013, N3FJP Software - Affirmatech, Inc.

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Start studying for your Extra Class License today. Try our software for free. Ham Radio License Extra includes the exact questions that will be on your exam in a test yourself quiz system. The test are divided into 50 different groups (exams). The software program keeps track of your progress as each exam is. Category: Home & Education / Miscellaneous Publisher: Oak Lane Software, LLC, License: Shareware, Price: USD $10.95, File Size: 22.6 MB Platform: Windows. Start studying for your Ham Radio License today.

This program contains the Technician, General and the Newly Released Extra Class License Exam material that went into effect July 1, 2008. Try our software for free. Ham Radio License Complete includes the exact questions that will be on your exam in a test yourself quiz system. This program divides the test.

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ROC is the only 32-bit Windows software available for operating TNCs in host mode as well as soundcard support for all the digital Radio modes. That means you can multitask, quickly. Category: Home & Education / Miscellaneous Publisher: Creative Software Services, Inc, License: Shareware, Price: USD $49.95, File Size: 24.3 MB Platform: Windows.

The Radio Operations Center (ROC) is a comprehensive suite of full-featured software solutions for commercial Radio, amateur ( Ham) Radio, MARS and marine Radio control. ROC is the only 32-bit Windows software available for operating TNCs in host mode as well as soundcard support for all the digital Radio modes. CSS offers a no-cast, no-obligation. Category: Audio / Utilities & Plug-Ins Publisher: Creative Software Services, Inc, License: Shareware, Price: USD $49.95, File Size: 24.2 MB Platform: Windows. RadioTelephone Tutor uses adaptive tutoring to prepare you for the FCC exams. It targets questions, that you are weak in.

The weaker you are on certain questions, the more it will drill you on those questions. It keeps on drilling, until it decides, that you know the answers to those questions. Creates practice test, like you would be given in a real exam.

Category: Home & Education / Science Publisher: Randall Glass Software, License: Demo, Price: USD $29.95, File Size: 5.5 MB Platform: Windows, Mac, Android, BlackBerry, Handheld/Mobile Other, iPhone, iPod, MS-DOS, Other. Start studying for your Technician Class License today.

Try our software for free. Ham Radio License Technician includes the exact questions that will be on your exam in a test yourself quiz system. The test are divided into 35 different groups (exams). The program keeps track of your progress as each exam is completed. Also features illustrations and Part 97 rules that. Category: Home & Education / Miscellaneous Publisher: Oak Lane Software, LLC, License: Shareware, Price: USD $10.95, File Size: 22.4 MB Platform: Windows.

Start studying for your General Class License today. Try our software for free. Ham Radio License General includes the exact questions that will be on your exam in a test yourself quiz system. The test are divided into 35 different groups (exams). The program keeps track of your progress as each exam is completed. Also features illustrations and Part 97 rules that pertain.

Category: Home & Education / Miscellaneous Publisher: Oak Lane Software, LLC, License: Shareware, Price: USD $10.95, File Size: 22.4 MB Platform: Windows. It is an easy to use Ham Radio chat program for extra reliable text transmissions over long distance.It is a Soundcard based audio data Modem which does encode / decode TeleType signals based on the well known and very reliable DTMF (dual-tone, multi-frequency) system.The DTMF (dual-tone, multi-frequency) system is also referred to as tone dialling used in millions of touch tone. Category: Audio / Rippers & Encoders Publisher: Norbert Pieper, License: Freeware, Price: USD $0.00, File Size: 2.4 MB Platform: Windows.

Beacon-Time Wizard - or 'BTW' - provides a unique collection of informational views and tools - for Ham Radio operators and SWL listeners - to boost your HF Radio pleasure and augment the effectiveness of the NCDXF/IARU International Beacon Network. The Control Palette is the primary user interface element.

The Control Palette occupies only a small portion. Category: Business & Finance / Business Finance Publisher: Kangaroo Tabor Software, License: Shareware, Price: USD $25.00, File Size: 2.3 MB Platform: Windows. Representing a new concept in the field of Ham Maps, the Global Overlay Mapping System is packed full of features for all Ham Radio enthusiasts, including: 1 World Map, with specialised satellite images and world region-boundaries. 8 Continental Maps - Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, Oceania, Arctic, Antarctica. 29 Sub Continental Maps, with Single Click. Category: Home & Education / Miscellaneous Publisher: MapAbility, License: Freeware, Price: USD $0.00, File Size: 4.9 MB Platform: Windows.

MorseTest is a program to help Radio hams improve their Morse receiving skills. Modelled on a contest, the aim is to correctly copy as many calls and serial numbers as you can. It's one of the best ways to improve your code receiving speed. You can set the speed from between 12 and 60wpm, with optional extra gaps between words to aid comprehension.

You'll hear a station calling CQ. Category: Home & Education Publisher: G4ILO Software, License: Freeware, Price: USD $0.00, File Size: 584.4 KB Platform: Windows. RescuePRO Deluxe is an easy-to-use application that recovers images, movies, sound files, documents, mail, videos, music and more. Recover data even if files were deleted, lost, corrupted or formatted. The wizard driven, user-friendly graphic interface makes it easy to recover your files with just a few mouse clicks. This software is compatible with Memory Sticks, SmartMedia. Category: Utilities / File & Disk Management Publisher: LC Technology International, Inc., License: Demo, Price: USD $60.00, File Size: 21.7 MB Platform: Mac.

StuffIt Deluxe is the easiest way to share large files online. Stuff, back up, and expand anything. StuffIt Deluxe gives you the power to shrink your photos, music, and other documents without compromising quality. Enjoy early access to StuffIt Connect, a file transfer and storage service.

Securely store up to 2GB of files and share them via email invitations. Category: Utilities / File Compression Publisher: Smith Micro, Inc., License: Shareware, Price: USD $79.99, File Size: 76.5 MB Platform: Mac. RescuePRO Deluxe is an easy-to-use application that recovers images, movies, sound files, documents, mail, videos, music and more. Recover data even if files were deleted, lost, corrupted or formatted.

The wizard driven, user-friendly graphic interface makes it easy to recover your files with just a few mouse clicks. This software is compatible with Memory Sticks, SmartMedia. Category: Utilities / Backup Publisher: LC Technology International, Inc., License: Demo, Price: USD $59.99, File Size: 27.4 MB Platform: Mac. Speed Reading, Assessment and Online Reader Software.

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AceReader Pro is 3 tools in one: (1) It is a training tool that will help you become a more proficient reader both online and offline. Learn to Speed Read. (2) It can be used to assess and track your reading level.

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(3) It can also be used as an online reading tool to help you read more efficiently while online. Utilizes Tachistoscope. Category: Home & Education Publisher: StepWare, Inc., License: Shareware, Price: USD $79.95, File Size: 3.4 MB Platform: Mac.